Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The cards throw Judgment, reversed.

I know I don't need one. I know I shouldn't want one. But I touched one today. I played with one today. And today I really, really want one. I lust after gadgetry.

There is, it seems, a lack of clarity within.


Miles McClagan said...

My work is giving away Iphones for good work, and I keep thinking...damn it, I actually want won, damn you corporate workplaces! Shakes angry fist...

Shelley said...

Oh go on...do some good work! Fancy working somewhere where one is rewarded for such a thing.

They are pretty awesome, yeah?

Anonymous said...

It's all just a cynical attempt to sell bandwidth at unreasonably high prices to people who have too much disposable income. I wouldn't want one if they were giving 'em away.

Miles McClagan said...

It might be just a cynical attempt to sell bandwidth at unreasonably high prices to people who have too much disposable income - but it's shiny and does fancy things, so I want one!

My consumer reflexes aren't sharp, or cynical, I want one (and will do good work to get one).

Shelley said...

Cynical? Coming from you, Mark?

I second Miles - SHINY and full of awwwwwwww that's pretty coolness. But, no, I wouldn't pay for one.

Anonymous said...

I'm really not being facetious when I say what is so great about them? I still have the same old mobile phone that I bought at the start of 2003 which I only ever use for calling taxis when I'm out and apart from my computer that's all the gadgetry I have. I am indeed a gadgetry Philistine. It helps me save money I guess, but the real reason is I find most gadgets too hard to navigate.

Shelley said...

Momentary lust for the shiny new toy, someone else's toy, Rachy. It has all sorts of fun but generally pointless accessories and did I mention that it's shiny..? The technology's pretty cool too(yeah, yeah, I'm easily impressed).
Given that I pretty much only use my phone for texting and reminder notes I won't be getting one.
Hard to navigate physically or because of bad layout? I think the iphone would ultimately annoy me because of the sensitive touch-touch thing. Even my ipod gives me the shits sometimes with that.

Jeremy said...

Very frustrating to try smsing on an iphone; you can't tell what keys you're hitting, and they're very narrow.

Also - have you ever tried battling with iTunes before?

It's a bloated pile of badly-designed anti-consumer crap designed to spread itself all over your computer, stop you doing basic things (no you can't use your mp3s for ring tones) and waste as much of your time as possible.

My friend bought one last weekend and I've been fighting with it today, so I know whereof I speak.

Shelley said...

Ah, yes, iTunes is possibly not the most fun thing in the world. It's also badly stocked.

Horrors, imagine not being able to SMS!