Monday, August 17, 2009

In which my subconscious jumps on the bandwagon.

At four this morning I woke up.

I woke up because in my dream I was about to be killed by a man with a gun. That man and his fellows had been told to shoot all the people in the bus I was on because we disagreed with their ideology. I was filming the whole thing with my iphone and sending it to a particular person as they'd quite recently told me that for the sake of ideology they would happily kill me. They had then proceeded to show me that injuring me caused them no grief.

I could not believe that someone I loved would harm me so readily and would allow me to die for disagreeing with them. On the bus, as I sat and thought about this, men with guns surrounded me. And I filmed it in a last vindictive act having prefaced the call with, 'I love you and they are about to kill me.'

The dream was still on my mind when I got up again at midday. I feel a little crushed by it.


JahTeh said...

I'm not saying anything about the nasty dream, I'll give you something nice instead. According to the Potter forums, Neville looks a shoe-in for the Nagini head lopping.

Shelley said...

Good! It would be nice if they actually put something that happened in the book in the movie! I so want to see Neville the hero. He's such a poppet.

Dan the VespaMan said...

And I thought my dream about going to work with no shoes on was upsetting. It seems rather tame in comparison.

Shelley said...

My feet are less that pretty at the moment, Dan, so I feel your pain.

Mitzi G Burger said...

I had a coffee with a Serious Guy recently. I exclaimed, oh, you gotta try the connolli at M-. They are To Die For. And Serious Guy said, I thought food was to eat and your principles were to die for.

Shelley said...

I'm going to assume that coffee was all you had with Serious Guy, Mitzi.

Maria said...

I had a dream that I was in a Seinfeld episode.

Now you've got me thinking abotu what I shoudl be thinking.

No, I wasn't one of Jerry's girls.

M L Jassy said...

Nails, I'll gve you the goss. You can read it all if you follow to a blog called 'Whipslave20' via the link on Bloginboots.

I wouldn't have minded having children with Serious Guy but he doesn't dance.

Shelley said...

Mitzi, funnily enough I was reading that very blog a few days ago. I already followed that particular link. The commentary on the Canberra scene confirms what I'd suspected.

Maria, what should you be thinking?