Monday, September 05, 2005

Whingy little bitchy

I don't know if I'm over-reacting but I'm starting to suspect that there's going to be some serious conflict between me and my family regarding my immediate life plans. They seem to have come up, without any discussion with me, with a map of my future. One that suits their plans, correction, one that suits their needs. Actually, it's mostly just my mother and sister. They've been determined to hold on to me my whole life. Really hold on. So much so that I am starting to feel smothered. Smothered and a bit fucking annoyed.
I can accept that my sister needs always to live in close proximity to our parents. I can accept that she will follow them wherever they go - and I don't doubt that she will. I can accept that she will always feel the need to have her family all around even though I do not consent to be party to it. I can accept an awful lot of things about what she deems right and correct in her life. What I cannot accept is her underlying determination that I shall, eventually, accede to her wishes and her plans for me. She has a strong will. I would have thought that, by now, she might realise that I have one too. I am aware that she does not like my plans. She has not liked my plans for years. She did not like my moving away and she does not like my staying away. There is part of her, despite my constant refusal and protestations to the contrary, that still believes that I will move to small-town-land, to Hicksville, and be happy. To be happy in place where I dislike the climate, the people, the mentality, and the society in general. To be happy where I hate.
There's also my mother. She wants me to be wealthy and successful. These would reflect well on her. I do not doubt that she loves me, that either of them love me, but they want far more from me than I am willing to give. They want all of me and I want all of me. My mother wants me to compete in ways that she was unwilling to do so. She also wants me as an eternal child. There are contradictions. I am supposed to make up my own mind but also to do what is wanted from me. Perhaps I am supposed to make up my mind to do what they want? My mother wants my free time. Wants to know all of my business. All. Always. I thought about it recently and I realised that all the leave I'd taken from work in the last couple of years had been spent with my family. This means that I have either had them with me in Sydney or I have travelled to them. Almost as though there are no other options in life. Nowhere else to go, no other plans I could make, nothing else. I am made, because she is a master manipulator, my mother, to feel guilty for expressing so much as a want of anything else. 'But don't you want to see Mummy?' Well yes, and no, I'm nearly thirty, I may be your child but I am not a child. You need to let me go. You need to accept that what I want - no matter the holes you see in my plans, or the conflict it provokes, or the thousand things that could go wrong - is right for me.
What I want, and really, you should have seen this coming, is to go away again. Farther away. For quite a long time. Distance from them has, for me, been a necessity. I need to know that I do not need to be looked after, that I can make decisions. I need to know who I am and what I want. Not who they think I am and what they want for me. I need them to treat me as an adult but I don't know how to make them do so. I would like them to listen when I complain but I have stopped because they intervene in stupid and embarrassing ways. 'But Mummy was just trying to help.' No, Mummy was just trying to interfere. Not trying, succeeding.
I want to be oh-so-bloody-Australian and go to see the world, live in the world, escape this island for just a little bit. I want to know that it's really there. I want to know that it's really worth it. I do not want to live the life of my parents [I did for years, it's called childhood, it was a bit dull and full of created stresses that I do not want.]. I do not want o live the life of my sister. I will not live aimlessly until I accidentally fall pregnant and then live for my child. There has to be something else. There are quite a lot of something elses.
Alas, my plans are soon. Near future. Actual plans, not 'one day I'll'... One day is over. Time is passing, has passed. Some things have a limited shelf-life. Sometimes there is a now or never and I am rapidly approaching it. I know that, to a certain extent, the indefinite holding pattern that I have let myself fall into suits them. It has stopped suiting me. A brief check into reality has me earning nothing, paying to much rent, working in a pointless, dull, mind destroying job, spending far too much time alone, becoming a person that I really do not like. Too much nastiness, gossip, bitchiness. Too much aimlessness. To much ignoring of my own beliefs and truths. A belief that what I think, what I believe is invalid. That what I want is invalid. I want and plan to change. I plan to do what I want. I feel myself to be selfish for wanting to live my life on my terms. Why in hell should I feel selfish? Of course, I will be considered so despite the fact that they are all in good health and much as they think they might need me their need is a mere want. They are none of them dependent on me for money or care. They can live with my presence elsewhere as easily as here.
Oh well, guess I'll see.


Rachel Croucher said...

I don't even know where to start on this one. I have had, and continue to have, similar problems. But not quite to your extent. You know what you are capable of so just get your ass out there and do it. Do something crazy. Do something that you want to do. No one can stop you from getting out of this island, it's your choice. And anyone manipulates that just take a deep breath and continue to move forward. Seriously, I recommend going overseas. Don't think about it too much just do it. Not even overseas necessarily, just go somewhere where nobody knows your name.

I had some really fucked up things happened to me when I was young, as well as some rather banal things that really bothered me... so what I did was take myself out of that place and go somewhere where NOBODY knew my name. They could only form an opinion on me from my personality, and not what they might have heard.

Just go do something crazy girlfriend, we'll be here when you get back:-)

Anonymous said...

I've made a career (of sorts) out of living in Hicksville. It works for me (at the moment) but I can't imagine a life where Hicksville was the only place I'd ever lived.

I don't know. What do you think is holding you back from going OS?

Shelley said...

An enormous amount of MONEY, Ross. If I had it I would go right now. As is I'm going to have to ask my parents for cash [a thing which, you can imagine, I don't normally do] - thus far, in my life, they haven't been very forthcoming. I strong suspect my mother will be very very poor when I ask to do something that she really won't like.

Rachel Croucher said...

you can always teach English in Japan or work at a summer camp in the United States? I'll keep throwing out cheap ideas until something affordable comes up :-)

Rachel Croucher said...

Korea also has lots of English language teaching jobs for native English speakers, especially Australians

Shelley said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh alas I have a very specific plan, Rach. We're going Britain - and it is a we - to ponce among the Eeeeengleeesh.

Shelley said...

I've thought about the teaching thing before but, this'll probably sound stupid, I feel like I'm getting to old for that sort of situation. Am going with an old friend which will probably ease some of the financial and general stressful considerations - always assuming we don't murder each other on the flight over. Actually, always assuming we don't drink ourselves to death. She's dangerous, she is, complete pisshead :p

Myke Bartlett said...

As usual you write with such eloquence, honest and self-criticism.

Ah, families and their expectations. I suffer from eldest child syndrome, alas, with a keenness to keep everyone happy. Not that it's ultimately affected the decisions I've made personally to that great a degree... Mind you, my family (ok, my dad) says things like "leave town and never come back, there's nothing for you here!" (Ok, cheers dad.) So maybe my fleeing the hometown was capitulation rather than resistance... But anyway...

I think finding your own space, whether OS or in another city locally is essential. Think it helps you become a little more selfish, which makes dealing honestly with your family that much easier.

Flee, I tell you, flee. It'll be better for everyone (including us lucky sods who'll get to read of your drunken international adventures.)

Shelley said...

I'm the younger child - think that shows :)
I'm 2000kms from them already - you'd think they'd get it right? But, no, the noose tightens despite [or because of?] the distance.
Have recommended 'Electricity' to the friend I'm going with. Nice.

Myke Bartlett said...

Oh! Thanks for the recommendation. I hope it doesn't dissuade her. Or just generally disappoint.

My youngest sister has fled much further afield than I (on two occasions now) so perhaps it is more a younger child thing. To have to slip the noose I mean.

I think, as the eldest, my relationship with my folks changed a lot when they separated. Which, in retrospect, was the best thing that happened for us all. Erm, not that I'm recommending divorce as the solution to your problems or anybody else's...

Shelley said...

Nothing could dissuade her and I doubt it'll disappoint.

I think the problem of being a younger/youngest child is that you never really grow up for your parents or your siblings [or your extended family] - that'd be nice but I wasn't much good at childhood and don't intend to always be a child for them. Then again, when they want advice...
Aaaaah what can you do about family anyway?

Ms Smack said...

hi. great post.

suggest you do some reading about 'toxic parents' which may summarise your mums' issues.

Parental love, by the way, is the only love where separation is the ultimate goal. If parents dont let go, become over involved, they strip young adults of the tools for mastering their own lives.

Its not a case of 'mother knows best' its a case of 'mother knows all'
