Thursday, November 24, 2005

A tale of two memes.

I've recently been tagged twice [or twice tagged] firstly by the infamous Rowdy Theologian of The JtH Trivia Challenge and, secondly, by that loveable scamp Timt...

And the first one is....

1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing

The plan is Europe, of course, to ogle and to culture and grow.

I do apologise for how pretentiously lame this is...okay, I don't care that much. I do, however, care enough to return the taggy little favour.
So I nominate:

1. Timt
2. Adam
3. Myke
4. Up the Beach
5. themarina

And the second....

10 Years Ago: I was bludging. I'd just finished high-school. I was doing nothing but occasionally prodding at my newly acquired nose piercing [ouch].

Five Years Ago: I'd recently returned to uni and had moved back to Sydney - actually, I did it the other way around but it was a weird year anyway. The real difference is that this time I finished the degree.

One Year Ago: I was doing field work for what shall be my seminal work in really, really fucking people off. Alas, I'd chosen to do my research from the wrong end and was at an 'I hate myself and want them to die' kind of place...I've stopped hating myself quite so much...

Five Yummy Things.
Sherbet Lemons
Jarvis Cocker [It didn't have to be food did it?]

Five Songs I Know By Heart*
The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvany
The Gambler - Kenny Rogers [It's all my mother's fault, Herr Doktor]
Women's Realm - Belle & Sebastian**
Mis-shapes - Pulp

*I may be lying
**Something about the lines 'What went wrong, your grades were good/It would take a left wing Robin Hood to pay for school'...

Five Things I Would Do With A LOT Of Money
Buy a pretty little ginormous Victorian Terrace
Pay off all those freakin' debts
Take the LovelyLesbianLawyer and myself on the trip of a fucking lifetime and then some...
Be kind to my parents...I'm thinking of rehab...
Buy stuff, loads of stuff, only hardcover books, the technology that means housewerk is gone! Yeah! Money! Yeah!

Five Things I Would Never Wear
A wedding dress
Shoes that hurt
Anything without a bra [ew]
An I heart Howard shirt
Gold shoes [i.e. The north-shore hausfrau accessory of choice.]

Five Favourite TV shows
The new series of Dr Who may be a goer..
Red Dwarf
[Oh fuck, now I sound like a complete nerd.]
Anything with John Safran

Five Things I Enjoy Doing
Drinking - alcohol, coffee, tea [Oh no, drink whore!]
Sleeping [I adore sleeping.]
Just lying there - half asleep or half awake with nothing that needs doing

Five People I Want To Inflict This On
Up the Beach

[Yes, yes, I am being mean and lazy.]


Apples said...

"A wedding dress" - reminded me of my sage advice to you to never date your cousin. LOL-some, God I swear on EVERYTHING it sounded so wise and right in my head.

Anonymous said...

BB - If I remember, your advice was accurate and timely.

I will pick this meme up on account of it's a slow news day. I think my meme content is way too high already though...

Shelley said...

Wait - Mark was there? Or he was about to date a cousin. Christ, I hope he's got more taste than to date any of mine.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just remember you posting about it.

Anonymous said...

Took a while, but got it done...

Apples said...

Mark - I really do think it's one of those little snippets of advice you can mete out in nearly any given situation.

WWJD? I'm not sure, but he probably wouldn't date his own cousin.

Shelley said...

Wow, Mark's either psychic or he's got a waaaaaaaaaaaaay better memory than me. Still, great advice, Bourbs, I'll live my life by that, I will...

Myke Bartlett said...

Whaat? I've been tagged? Damn it.

I mean... how exciting!

I shall put myself to work immediately. That is, tomorrow.