Monday, July 30, 2007


I don't perform femininity at all well.


Winter said...


Caz said...

Not so, not so!

Awesome eyebrows are nothing to be sniffed at, and if you can, you need rhinoplasty , stat!

Other than an emergency Brazilian, your femininity seems to be holding its own against the unfortunate proliferation of the metrosexual.

TimT said...

Emergency Brazilians, you say? Call this man! He's the SWAT team of beauty specialists!

JahTeh said...

But but but but you just vacuumed. It's on the top of the femininity list. (geez that word's hard to spell)

Shelley said...

I quite like my nose, Caz. Nice and neat and straight.
There are sme elements of the metrosexual I don't mind - mostly related to eyebrows - sometimes everyone needs a bit of pruning, it'll bring out your eyes ;)

You leave me speechless, Tim.

Under duress, jahteh! Who knew that there was a correlation between femininity and vacuuming?

Enny said...

You can rest assured you do it better than me - my biggest laugh in I have no idea how long came from farting.

Sorry mum.

Caz said...

"Who knew that there was a correlation between femininity and vacuuming?"

I think that only works out if you're dong the vacuuming in a little white frilly apron, stilettos, and not much else, other than lip gloss.

Shelley said...

Enny, I can't even remember my biggest laugh lately - damn work puts me in a bad mood and takes away my sense of humour (also my memory).

Caz, the image makes me gag - and not even because it offends my feminist principles. I know I'd look horrendous in a little white frilly apron and stilettos. Damn, eh?

Winter, I know, I know.

lucy said...

Femininity is just so fucking uncomfortable.

Why do I have to be feminine while wearing a skirt and heels, can I not do it in jeans and thongs, or even a compromise with skirt and thongs?

And don't even get me started on being meek, keeping quiet during beauty treatments and (fucking) vacuuming....