Sunday, October 14, 2007

Advice column.

How much vodka is needed to combat a particularly nasty case of sexual frustration? D’you think the two bottles should cover it?

Feel free to leave your own problems in the comments – I’m quite happy to drink yours away as well.


Enny said...

How much turkish bread do I need to sober up? I'm drunker than I should be... what bullshit.

DS said...

I would suggest money be spent on buzzy man replacement device rather than vodka if you have only one aim. Otherwise more vodka than is sensible may be required, daily.

Pomgirl said...

Will gin make me thin, or will it make me weep?

Shelley said...

Ah, Enny, turkish bread alone is not a girl's friend. You need some cheese with that ;P

Dale, I have multiple aims. I'm not convinced that the MRD will do the trick in this case - it's a very directed case of frustration.

Pomgirl, if you drink enough gin then you'll be sick a lot and ebingsick a lot seems to work for anorexics so why not? Probably you will also weep though.

Dan said...

If I could drink the sexual frustration away, I would... but I would be pissed 24/7.

Shelley said...

Weren't you coming on over, mhe? Maybe could work something out :p