Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You are a gimboid.

It's going to kill me to vote for you.

It's pronounced
in-fruh-struhk-cher. Check how you pronounce nuclear too, dangerously Dubya territory that.


colonel eggroll said...

I hate when people pronounce milk meh-lk. It makes me want to bash them in the head with a blunt object repeatedly.

Winter said...

Or how about people who say "fill-it" for fillet?

We should have all these people who can't talk penciled in for a sudden visit from the Angel of Punches to the Face.

TimT said...

Can I have a fillit of fesh with melk, ples?

TimT said...

I'm evil and would vote against Albanese because I don't like what he says on nuclear power.

On the other hand, if I was in ALP candidate Mike Bailey's territory, I would vote for him wholly and solely to be able to laugh at him reading his maiden speech in the ABC weatherman voice...

Shelley said...

Julia, don't ever go to New Zealand.

Becky, don't fuck up the French words..?

Tim, I don't like him at all and he was nasty to a friend of mine! Very bad man! But, however I vote he'll get in and I am all for doing my part to get rid of little Johnny. Okay, I didn't move to Bennelong but I was sorely tempted. Another friend got doorknocked by Maxine and I squeed on her behalf when I heard. Oh yeah, I am seven kinds of sadarse.

TimT said...

I think my brother lives in the Bennelong electorate, so I'll tell him to vote for Maxine. Perhaps I should be more responsible and considered in my voting choices, but I really couldn't be bothered. (Problem is, my sister-in-law will probably force my brother to vote Howard).

Shelley said...

Hmmm, what can you bribe him with that beats sex, Tim?
It just kills me when people don't love voting/elections as I do - how can you not love politics? Is it not the funnest game in the world? Okay, admittedly Australian politics has always been a little bland and I'm saddened to see that the next few years will see the complete death of the Democrats but, ooh, isn't it fun? *wanders off to pursue Antony Green*