Friday, January 11, 2008

Maybe I should have used a riding crop.

I had to, er, rather politely but firmly tell a colleague to pull her fucking head in today. I am rather sick of people who second guess me. You might be a fuckwit but I know what I'm doing.


JahTeh said...

Nails, please, get an exorcise for the blog, you're channelling my mother.

Shelley said...

I don't think so. Unlike your mother I was genuinely dealing with a fuckwit whose attitude was/is a massive problem because we have to phone her rather a lot [something that would be helped if she'd do her job instead of arguing with everyone who phoned her].
I certainly didn't enjoy having to tell her to correct her attitude - it left me shaking with irratation and anger all afternoon - but she really goes to far. She's more interested in arguing than actually working. She's managed to piss off half the her colleagues so it's not just me finding her a problem.

non-Blondie said...

SO know what you mean. That is like, my entire job these days. Sucks so bad.

Hey, at least you can laugh at her later when the anger subsides. She sucks, you're smart and you told her!

Shelley said...

She is suddenly my best friend now, non-blondie. I think her niceness is actually worse than her pain-in-the-arse-ness.

non-Blondie said...

Erk...she's obviously a masochist!