Sunday, February 17, 2008

On trialling vegetarianism...

Eggs are frightfully good, aren't they?


Jen said...

They are indeed

Dan said...

tastetastic even

Shelley said...

Isn't it nice how eggs have brought us all together here today? Bless the egg!

Al Cad said...

This guy’s devoted an entire blog to them.

Shelley said...

Goodness me! This is just why I love the internet.

TimT said...

I prefer fully-grown vegetarians. Much tastier, and more full-blooded.

Shelley said...

Gosh, Tim, which vegetarians have you been tasting? And does one really want to know who you've been eating?

TimT said...

Well, you know what they say. You are who you eat.

Shelley said...

I have thus far been unable to work out who or what you are. Still, does this make you some kind of vegetarian by default?