Sunday, March 30, 2008


and roasted pumpkin and feta risotto...

Who wants dinner?


Dan said...

I just woke up! It's not dinner time yet.

Martin Kingsley said...

I've had dinner! Sounds delicious, though. I had bacon and porcini risotto just the other day, actually. Yum.

Shelley said...

I'm sorry, Dan, there's some in the freezer, perhaps you'd like that?

You have dinner frightfully early, Martin.

Dan said...

Well, if we can ship it overseas and it'll stay edible, sure. Or we could ship me overseas and I won't even need to be frozen.

Shelley said...

Better to ship you, I think. You won't be in quarantine long, will you?

Dan said...

I've had my shots and I stopped biting frequently.

Shelley said...

But you do continue to bite...?

Dan said...

Is asked politely, yes. More a nibble, actually. I seem to get good results with it.