Friday, July 11, 2008

It's Friday night, late. Feck.

Inexplicably have The Final Countdown in my head. It's weird but it reminds me of two of my oldest friends who are both eighties nutters. Sweet.

Someone told me today that I have mellowed. Have I mellowed? Have I lost the rage? Have I? HAVE I?


Dan said...

You just need something to make you mad. Maybe something like a national movement to ban pie.

Shelley said...

Pie? Dude, that would not get me off the couch. Not even to eat it.

Dan said...

I don't even know you! *cry*

Ms Q said...

Not the rage! You can't work where you work and not have the rage.

Shelley said...

Okay, maybe if it was chocolate pie. Is there chocolate pie? O Dan of the Americas, home of all things pie, is there a chocolate pie?

Rins, am currently maintaining the meh. Does that help?

Dan said...

Yes. There are many kinds of chocolate pie. They are all crazy delicious.