Saturday, May 13, 2006


My horrorscope for today:
Today's Full Moon in Scorpio might be an emotional roller-coaster for you, especially if you over-personalize the events that are unfolding around you. Even if you'd like to radically alter the circumstances of your life, you simply cannot change others. You can, however, change yourself -- and this is where the solution to your current dilemma can be found.

It's also my dad's. Speaking of - waiting waiting waiting... Too much cleaning and not enough sleep. I am bored with waiting...

I can't decide whether PMS + full moon is cool, creepy, or just explains my psychopathic thought patterns...
You needed to know; you know you did.


Anonymous said...

Heh, I think the full moon is always in Scorpio for you. They've got you figured for sure.

Shelley said...

Now, Mark, I could be insulted by that but I choose not to be... In either case, you don't know the half of it, kid.

Anonymous said...

Just responding to the way you describe *yourself*... no insult intended.

Anonymous said...

Very quiet in Shelleyville lately...