Monday, October 29, 2007

Every other day of the week is fine, yeah.

I don’t know if it’s hormones, pheromones, the Australian taxation system, the fact that I drank too much last night, the heat, or a whole messy combination of the above but I don’t really think I could get more emotional if I tried. Not just emotional but anxious and so thoroughly neurotic that I feel as though my head and chest and arms (I don’t know why arms) are all going to explode. The best thing anybody could do for right now is to make me a cup of tea and make the whole rest of the world go away – possibly forever or, at least, until I next want the world to exist. If you know how to do this then please contact me and tell me.

If anybody wants me I shall be firmly inside the asylum, I’ve lost the keys to escape, and am busy winding tape around my head to prevent it from exploding.


Dan said...

Maybe you need to explode.

Shelley said...

Ah, but I haven't the energy to pick up the pieces again.

StyleyGeek said...

I know! I know! Ask me! Delurking to say that the best way to make the world go away is to sit with a doona over your head. Seriously. It makes you feel wonderfully safe, warm and isolated. Bonus points for doing it in your office :)

Shelley said...

Styley, that would be lovely but it's really too hot. 33 today, or thereabout. Brutal when you want to sulk under the covers.

What a really need is a bath. Lots of lovely lukewarm water! And a firmly closed door.

Jen said...

I felt the EXACT same way this morning. It is shit. I hope the whole world leaves you alone, if you manage to get it to happen, please let me know how to do the same thing.