Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I am, quite stupidly, watching a late night programme about the 1960s. Presently, the focus is on the anti-war movement by Vietnam Veterans and all the joyous things that entailed.
There was also a nice little piece on fragging. People never believe me when I talk about fragging, they actually think I've made this shit up. It's nice to know that at some point some tv station in the U.S. has researched and made a tiny little programme about it for all the mums and dads at home.


Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Can't help feeling that the juxtaposition of this here post about doing in your commanding officers with the previous one (about the pratliness of your commanding officers) isn't entirely coincidental. As for that business down there about the storms ...

M L Jassy said...

Does it mean bragging about how many friends you have? Is it the 60s equivalent of Facebook?

Winter said...

I somehow ended up watching a danger-mongering program about irukandji, a killer jellyfish about the size of a thumbnail, found, where else?, in Australia. Do you guys have anything that's not poisonous down there? ;)

Martin Kingsley said...

Winter, in the words of Terry Pratchett, "some of the sheep".

Also, on the topic of Irukandji: catch!

Shelley said...

Winter, I think I got stung by part of an irukandji once. It might have been part of a box jellyfish though. I was in a stinger enclosure too! Fucking stinging jellyfish. I grew up in north Queensland where every body of water is a nightmare waiting to happen. Ah, the not-good old days.

Martin, only with gloves, thanks. Preferably dragon skin ones.

Mitzi, yeah, only kinda the anti-facebook. Mind you, there are a couple of my facebook friends who I'd...no, that's wrong, I probably wouldn't. I'd totally mime it though.

Alexis, I spotted that too. And I thought much the same thing. Oooh, it's like reading my blog as the tarot! How exciting.