I've never mentioned this before because, well, being nice to and about people just isn't part of my persona but I think Tim is an absolute superstar. I shan't embarrass either him or myself by waxing lyrical but, you know, I'd totally have his babies (don't tell anyone that either). Proof of his awesomeness and general nice-guyness can be found here. And that's probably somewhere you should go and start nominating madly (madly start nominating? It's late, I'm tired.) as it is a big and wonderful thing.
Personally, I shall be spending tomorrow delving into archives and seeing what I find.
Shucks. And yeah, I forgot to mention that nomination.
The pity is we're only limited to six nominations, and the ones that get up will be the conservative essay-style political rants. The good thing is that at the moment a lot of the nominations are in with a good chance, since they're up to only 120 comments with the closing date just days away.
Any more posts you want me to nominate? I'm all out of ideas, and I've got one nomination spot left over...
I am totally amazed that anyone would nominate any of my stuff. Also, I think I blushed.
Is it slightly strange for people to nominate themselves?
Not really, pretty much everyone has. I found it a bit odd though.
Nails, you can have his first born and I'll take the lesser sprogs. I'm now attuned back in the world of blogging and I can't wait to nominate His Timtimorousness. Yours in pre-gestatory radiance, MgB.
Mitzi, you and I in a fieled of many?
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