Thursday, January 10, 2008

Am I heartless? I've been called it so often that I sometimes wonder.


TimT said...

Posts like this would seem to indicate that the answer to that question is decidedly in the negative range.

Do you want to be heartless?

Dan said...

Without one, how would you be living? Oh, figuratively. Being blunt and honest gets confused with being an asshole sometimes. I personally prefer being the asshole and being honest, but it can get you pegged as someone who seems "heartless".

Shelley said...

Surely it would make life easier.

Less pleasurable, but easier.

I'm sure people say it because I don't react to things in the way they expect, or even want, me too.

Shelley said...

Dan, cheap joke, get a better job so you can buy a better one :p

I just have low bullshit tolerance and don't wear my heart on my sleeve [it is, in fact, protected/protecting in my the same way as Chernobyl is these days, oh well, eh?] - this seems to really annoy people. It's not like I go around stabbing kittens though. I like kittens.

Also, I say things that I shouldn't. A lot. Which is great if you don't mind repeated verbal stabbings but which some people find really rather offensive [when, of course, they get it].

Keri said...

At least you haven't been told that the song Cold Hard Bitch was written about you.

I mean, I know it wasn't, but it still hurts that anyone would think that if I did have a song written about me, it would be by someone as talentless as Jet.

Shelley said...

I'm sure that's because no-one's made the connection, Keri. I'm sure they will though, one day.

Dan said...

I know, horrible joke.

Anyways, I do betray my feelings quite a bit, but I think you and I are on the same page for bullshit. I just can't stand it.

Don't change that. It makes you better.

Shelley said...

Dan, I can be pretty reserved. Not demonstrative at all. Alas, the emotion that I show the most is anger - I have quite a short fuse and an almost total inability to control anger and frustration. I suppose I can understand where they're coming from as I don't cry often and I'm quite reticent in expressing other emotions.
Oh, and I can be quite cruel.

Way to make myself sound like a total bitch, yeah? I'm sure I have redeeming qualities. Somewhere.

Dan said...

I had the same situation. I used to get so frustrated that I would blow up on people, but nobody knew what else I was feeling at any time. I worked very hard on myself to make that change. I felt the need. I'm sure you are nowhere near as bad as I was. I was a right prick. Now, I'm not the stupid Irish violent fuck I used to be. I'm still dead sexy though.

Martin Kingsley said...

Yer only heartless on the Scrabblefield, you vicious armchair commander, you. =)

Shelley said...

Dan, one can blame it on Irish heritage? Excellent.

Martin, watching me get flogged didn't make it any better?