Monday, February 11, 2008


So, I went shopping today to find a new handbag. I couldn’t find one that I liked enough to buy so I gave up and bought the Juno soundtrack instead. I was too lazy to download the songs that I don’t already own (dial-up, you know). I’m loving the soundtrack but it’s shown up a major deficiency in my music collection. I had forgotten just how awesome Buddy Holly could be. I wonder if my parents have some that I could steal though, seriously, their jazz-lite phase of the last few years has seriously sucked and has really put me off their CD collection. Why must people become so damn lame as they age?

So, I finally saw The Golden Compass today. Honestly, talk about butchered. Those of you haven’t, please read His Dark Materials and don’t bother to see the movies – one has a message the other is made merely for the entertainment of American children and has been sufficiently dumbed down and thoroughly brutalised to appeal to the stupidest and most religious. Complete cock-up and a waste of time. I was also massively displeased with Billy Costa and ‘Ratter’. They could at least have matched the right daemon to the right character but, no, they have to turn a strong, interesting, intelligent, and resourceful character into a half-wit for no reason that I can see. This kind of mutilation does not progress the story it really only ticks people off. And the ending, oh my Authority, the ending! Two words: fucking Hollywood. Flying off into the fucking night? Are you kidding me? Oh, right, I see – ending with a murder that tears open the multiverse was just a little too much, yeah? Let’s go with banality, let’s always go with banality. I thought the Harry Potter movies were bad enough but this, oh, this leaves me raging and irritated.


Dan said...

I have distilled this: Americans are dumb and need things to be retarded up to be enjoyable. That, and you are picky about handbags.

Shelley said...

Juno was also an American movie but it was good. Hollywood does dumb down as much as possible - lowest common denominator and all that - and they really fuck up kid's movies. Totally ruined. Honestly.

And fuck yeah am I picky about hangbags - I want something that I like that's of the right size, my daily commute is a three hour round trip so I carry quite a lot of stuff around, and that looks good and is not fashion-tragic.

Dan said...

I still haven't seen Juno. I realize I fail for this, but I can't get anyone to go with me. This makes me sad beyond reason.

Shelley said...

Go alone!

non-Blondie said...

hahaha I'd go with jazz lite over the 3 disc compilation of Irish folk music. Why, oh why, was my grandmother given a Readers Digest?

Shelley said...

That does sound horrible, non blondie. Can you get her to do a little jig? Could be quite amusing..

non-Blondie said...

She does sing/warble.

It gets quite emotional.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the Juno soundtrack is OK. I am super impressed by all the Kimya Dawson songs / collaborations. Mind you, I have a feeling that everything else she's done is a bit rubbish.

Oh, and bad hollywood movies are not worth having a fit over. Lower your expectations and stress less.

Shelley said...

Maybe I just need to drink more, Mark?

Fuck lowering expectations. How dull!

And yeah to Kimya Dawson etc but I need a buffer, too much [even on a soundtrack] could do my head in.