Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brought to you by: )))((( )))((( ))(( )))(((

I have a fish. It has no name. It needs a name. What should I name my fish?


DS said...


Lulu said...

what sort of fish is it?

Are you looking for a boy or girl name?

Sally? Meru-chan? Tilly? Paulie? Lily? Sunny? Juju? Chimi? Miki?

TimT said...


colonel eggroll said...

rupert murdoch.

Dan said...


Karen said...


Shelley said...

Karen, a Judy Blume story that I read as a child put me off Ralf, and all variations therein, forever.

Dan, I'd never remember that. As is I'll probably have to put a post it with his name [whatever that will be] on it on the bowl.

Colonel, I like my fish, I wouldn't be so cruel to it!

Tim, er? Isn't that a suburb/really tragic romantic hero name?

Lulu, it's a Siamese fighting fish - rather fetchingly blue - and therefore a he [turns out that they don't sell the girl ones because they're drab]. I think he would get offended by something girly. He's a rather earnest young fish with flashes of sick humour.

Dale, see above. I was tempted though.

JahTeh said...

Oh lord, you're in charge of an innocent fish, call him dead.

Shelley said...

Three weeks and COUNTING! Honestly, the internet produces the harshest critics!

Winter said...

I don't know if the fish has a name yet...

Darth Nemo?

Enny said...

fishbert :o)

Enny said...

PS - was ralf the name of the guys wang in that book?!

Shelley said...

Enny, yes, it was. Ever since then I've been totally unable to disassociate Ralph/Ralf from cock.

fishbert - lol

Winter, Darth Nemo is tempting - I am such a Star Wars nerd :(
I wanted Nemo to fuck off and die though.

Dan said...
