I go straight from making inane comments on blog posts where I clearly don’t understand half the words or get the joke at all and therefore deserve to be patronised to spraying Exit Mould on an item of clothing in the mistaken belief that it was stain remover. Yes, Exit Mould.
Not my blog, surely? Half of the words were simple enough, and the other were made up.
I just googled 'Whangdoodle', like the pedant that I am.
I sprayed Exit Mould on clothes. The blog is unimportant - which is not to say that your blog is unimportant merely that it doesn't matter where or when I've made an ass of myself.
Whangdoodles are important - they eat many Oompa-Loompas in a single sitting hence the rescuing/working in a chocolate factory. Yes, my middle name is Wikipedia.
I don’t know – lauding your 25% brain activity over us when you know full well that our neural activity is languishing at 5%. Bitch!
I do apologise, what I meant was 25% of normal brain function. That is to say 25% of the 5%. I would do the maths for you but, you know, 25% of 5% *ouch*
I’m not sure that your neighbours will be too thrilled when they discover you have an MRI machine at your place – will play havoc with their reception!
I'm not massively into technology so I've gone for the observational approach rather than the giant magnetised machine approach. Call me old fashioned if you will.
Good Dog! Exit Mould. It's the saliva of the devil.
I thought the ads for Exit Mould imply that it kills everything. Surely stains are a part of the formula?
Mish, as is the fabric...
Alexis, I have never before seen mould and the devil so linked. You might just have a point though.
Martin, too clever, sweetie.
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