I wonder if it would be unprofessional to pluck my eyebrows (just a little) at work tomorrow? I shall travel with tweezers just in case I decide that it is, in fact, no more or less unprofessional than anything else that people do in that place.
Also, three dear readers, if I asked very nicely would youse do something for me? I haven't quite decided what yet and may not bother if you are all boring and unresponsive. It won't be arduous. Well, it's unlikely to be anything that you can't do whilst sitting on your (oh so lovely) arses in front of a computer, isn't it? Eh? Oh.
Oooh a mission. Can I have a mission?
Hmm, I'm more inclined to go on a quest than a mission. For what doth we quest?
Maybe we're doing it already...
Oooh FOUR whole readers. I haz struck gold!
I'll probably post some details on Monday. Please anticipate super-lameness (this way none of us will be disappointed).
Also, Tim, I'm not that good, I mean, I am good but not so good that this is the mission - my mind is too tired for such intricacies.
I used to pluck my eyebrows when I worked at a video store in college. Only on Sundays, because no one ever came in except to rent porn. My mother used to always comment on how meticulously groomed they were.
Like you, I don't think it's unprofessional compared to what everyone else was doing.
As for a mission/quest, it depends on what it is. I am after all, a master procrastinator. :)
Don't forget to include KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS!
Without transparent KPIs we will not know that we have succeeded!
Sooooooooo, how long does it take to pluck eyebrows?
My decades of experience suggest around one or two minutes a week, at most.
On that basis, I have to query the effort and organization required to carry tweezers and a suitable mirror about your person, all the way to work, and back again.
Of course, it might be that you have especially aggressive brows.
Caz, it's those tiny little regrowth ones that are so hard to get hold of for ages and ages and then suddenly very obvious and ugly. The thing is that I've been able to feel them all week but havn't gotten around to getting rid of them...yet. And work has quite long periods of do-nothing total boredness...
Julia, eyebrow grooming really is underrated, isn't it? It's up to you whether you want to engaged in the task but I won't be making it anything too taxing. Kind of a sit on your arse and type some stuff deal.
Monday be-ith too long to wait for a mighty quest! I must hone my blade in preparation.
Sure, I'm up for it. Throw a task at us. :)
Oh, I thought the task was to just leave lots of comments on your blog, but it looks like leave lots of comments on your blog (under various conditions). Fair enough then.
Saw 'Across the Universe' today following your recommendations - most enjoyable, and the acid flashbacks that guy kept having in 'Nam were an absolute pisser.
I wasn't high or drunk when watching it or anything, but I had eaten a gelato beforehand.
I'll do it as long as it doesn't involve anyone's mother especially mine.
Tim, you fucking worry me. I genuinely mean that.
Dan, I have nothing against you honing you blade...
Becky, your attitide rocks.
Jahteh, my own is enough of a trial that I should wish mothers upon noone else.
P.S. All, I am a trifle drunk so you have my apologies if I make no or little sense. I love you though. All of you. Did I mention that I love youse...?
Drunk, you say?
Now just a little slow.
Thanks. :D
I love me a good challenge.
Count me in.
Unless it's too hard or taxing or takes some effort and then I'm out.
So what is this task? I'm dying of curiousity!
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